The Effect of Quantum Model to Students’ Learning Independence for Elementary School in Teaching Natural Science Learning




Quantum Model, Students’s Learning Independent, Natural Science Learning


The purpose of this reserach was to find out the effect of quantum model to students learning independence for elementary school in teaching natural science learning. The research design was classroom action research. This research was done at SDN 060827 Medan with the subject of the research was 37 students of grade V. The data collection was using: observation and questionnaire.  The data was described and elaborated by mixing some steps, they were collecting the data  data reduction, data display and finally conclusion. The result of the research prove that there was effect of quantum model to students’ learning independence for elementary school  in teaching natural science learning. Among of indicators, the highest score was motivation. Quantum model is very effective to use in teaching natural science learning for elementary school

Author Biography

Sumiati Pulungan, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

I hope iam success


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How to Cite

Pulungan, S., & Fitria, Y. (2021). The Effect of Quantum Model to Students’ Learning Independence for Elementary School in Teaching Natural Science Learning. Jurnal Basicedu, 6(1), 214–220.




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